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Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal ; 28(Supplement 1):S11-S12, 2023.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-20239299


Introduction: In early 2020, restrictions were established to control the transmission of COVID-19, such as the suspension of elective public health care. Dental teleservice has become an alternative to patient follow-up. In Brazil, the Federal Council of Dentistry published Resolution 226/2020, allowing the performance of dentistry at a distance. Objective(s): To assess dentists' satisfaction with the use of the oral telediagnosis service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material(s) and Method(s): Cross-sectional and quantitative study. An online questionnaire was released to 636 dentists in the North of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between May and September 2022, with 298 respondents. The database was built using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 24.0 software. This study was approved by the CEP (#5.267.570). Result(s): There was a predominance of dentists working in the public health network (86.2%;n=257). Most profession-als reported a drop in face-to-face calls during the pandemic (94.2%;n=281), and 86.2% (n=257) had losses from their activities. Teleservice resources were used during social isolation by 75.8% (n=226) of dentists, mainly for patient follow-up (63.7%;n=190). Consultation by phone was the main virtual method (63.7%;n=190). Regarding teleservice, 58.6% (n=119) of dentists realized the system was easy to use, and 50.2% (n=101) would like to continue using it after the pandemic. Conclusion(s): This is the first Brazilian study to assess dentists' satisfaction with teleservice. It is concluded that teleservice can contribute to early diagnosis and assistance by professional users.

Cadernos de Saude Publica ; 39(4) (no pagination), 2023.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-20234673
Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal ; 28(Supplement 1):S6-S7, 2023.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-20233867


Introduction: Several studies have evaluated the occurrence of oral lesions and changes in sensory functions in patients positive for COVID-19. Objective(s): To evaluate the manifestations of COVID-19, emphasizing olfactory and gustatory changes, xerostomia, and oral lesions. Material(s) and Method(s): A cross-sectional and observational study was conducted. Approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee (#46151121.6.0000.5141). All patients were diagnosed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR) and considered to have mild symptoms, according to the latest WHO joint report. The patients were evaluated at a reference Service for COVID-19 in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The oral cavity was evaluated for each patient on the second and seventh days. Result(s): A total of 414 patients older than 18 years were evaluated. One hundred thirty-nine presented at least one of the studied conditions, oral lesions (19.08%) were the most frequently observed, followed by gustatory disorders (18.11%), xerostomia (14.25%), and olfactory dysfunction (14%). Among the oral lesions, there were various anatomical locations and clinical presentations. The occurrence involving lips and tongue represented 49 oral lesions, the most prevalent being, respectively, ulcerations (n=51), candidiasis (n=8), and erythema or red plaques (n=7). Fifty patients died. Conclusion(s): This study represents, to date, the largest case series of oral lesions in Brazilian patients with COVID-19, and oral alterations were observed in an expressive percentage of patients with COVID-19. However, it cannot be concluded that SARS-CoV-2 directly causes them.

Revista NERA ; 26(65):81-108, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-2277508


Although the enslavement of people has been legally eradicated in Brazil, unfortunately, it remains, whether in the city or the countryside, in its "contemporary" capitalist version. In the case of coffee growing the South/Southwest of Minas, both the precariousness of work and contemporary slavery occur during the harvest, mainly with migrant workers recruited in the North of Minas and the Northeast of the country, they remained even during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this sense, the present article proposes to analyze the precariousness of work, which leads to cases of contemporary enslavement of coffee pickers in the South/Southwest mesoregion of Minas, from the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the theoretical framework and statistical data, the analysis of published reports on the subject during the year 2021 was used with methodological procedures. The results showed that, despite the rescues carried out and the penalties established in the pandemic, unfortunately, employers continue to enslave workers in socioeconomic vulnerability in the region's coffee plantations due to the certainty of impunity, as the assessments are lengthy and negotiable, demonstrating that the penalties must become more incisive for those who enslave.

Semina: Ciencias Exatas e Tecnologicas ; 42(1 Suppl):35-44, 2020.
Article in English | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-2270801


In this work we analyze the effectiveness of vaccination strategies for the COVID-19 epidemic in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Firstly we study the effectiveness of general vaccination in the decreasing of the number of infected individuals using a traditional non structured SEIR model. Secondly we consider an age-structured SEIR model with three age classes (youngster, adult and elderly) and we analyze the current strategy in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, of focusing the vaccination on the elderly group. We conclude by showing this strategy to be mistaken and that a vaccination focusing on the age group of the adults would be much more efficient in decreasing the total number of infected individuals.

Semina: Ciencias Exatas e Tecnologicas ; 42(1 Suppl):3-62, 2021.
Article in English | GIM | ID: covidwho-2247069


This special issue includes 5 articles that discuss evolution of COVID-19 in Londrina (State of Parana - Brazil);low-cost device for active saliva droplet filtration and pathogen inactivation;multiscale Ibovespa behavior under to the COVID-19 pandemic;vaccination strategies for the COVID-19 epidemic in Minas Gerais (Brazil);and the real COVID-19 pandemic dynamics in Qatar in 2021 - simulations, predictions and verifications of the SIR model.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S665-S666, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179223


Introducao: A doacao de sangue e um ato voluntario e altruista, necessaria para a manutencao de estoque minimo de seguranca de hemocomponentes destinados ao suporte de pacientes clinicos e cirurgicos. Durante o auge da pandemia do COVID-19, as doacoes de sangue e hemocomponentes diminuiram consideravelmente em todo o Brasil. Nesse cenario, foi necessario utilizar o plano nacional de contingencia, pois alguns estados nao conseguiram manter o estoque minimo, como preconizado pelo Ministerio da Saude (MS), definido como o numero de Concentrados de Hemacias (CH) necessarios para manter o atendimento transfusional por 3 dias. Uma plataforma do MS, chamada Hemovida, e utilizada para o gerenciamento do estoque na hemorrede nacional. A partir das informacoes de estoque enviadas diariamente por todos os hemocentros, e possivel realizar a transferencia de hemocomponentes em situacoes de emergencia. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho e descrever como o Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Ceara - HEMOCE manteve seu estoque seguro e como contribuiu no remanejamento de hemocomponentes dentro do Brasil no auge da pandemia da COVID-19. Material e metodo Trata-se do relato das acoes do HEMOCE nos anos de 2020 e 2021. Resultados: Com algumas estrategias criadas pelo hemocentro coordenador, o estado do Ceara nao sofreu um grande impacto, apesar de ter sido um dos primeiros estados a decretar lockdown, visto a utilizacao do gerenciamento de estoque na hemorrede estadual. Como a capital foi a primeira cidade atingida pela pandemia, os hemocentros regionais, como Crato, Quixada, Iguatu e Sobral, conseguiram manter um bom numero de doacoes e suprir toda a necessidade do estado. Quando o pico da pandemia chegou no interior do estado o hemocentro coordenador ja havia preparado VARIAS estrategias: a) Promocao da seguranca ao doador, com coletas por agendamento;disponibilizacao de alcool e mascaras, demarcacao de cadeiras para adequado distanciamento;b) Promocao da captacao: uso do aplicativo Whatsapp, intensificacao de ligacoes telefonicas, criacao do portal do doador, estabelecimento de novas parcerias para coletas externas;c) Otimizacao da producao e da distribuicao de hemocomponentes: coleta por aferese no interior do estado;centralizacao da producao em tres hemocentros;redistribuicao de hemocomponentes na hemorrede, intensificacao das acoes de gerenciamento de sangue do paciente e uso racional de hemocomponentes, controle da liberacao de concentrado de plaquetas, com avaliacao obrigatoria de hemoterapeuta;intensificacao dos contatos com medicos prescritores. Essas acoes permitiram manter o estoque de no minimo de 6 dias. Discussao e conclusoes Dessa forma, o HEMOCE conseguiu remanejar CH para outros estados, que se encontravam em situacao de emergencia, como Parana, Sao Paulo e Minas Gerais, com o apoio do MS. Ao total, foram 3225 CH remanejados por todo o pais, sendo 1118 (35%) provenientes do HEMOCE. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S525-S526, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179180


Resumo: Estudo retrospectivo longitudinal ecologico com dados referentes ao uso de hemocomponentes entre janeiro de 2008 e dezembro de 2021 na rede hospitalar do municipio de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Objetivos: Descrever as series mensais do numero de transfusoes de hemocomponentes e a taxa de transfusao por internacao em internacoes gerais na rede publica hospitalar sob a perspectiva da analise de series temporais. Metodos: A partir de dados do Sistema de Informacao Hospitalar do SUS (SIH-SUS), foram criadas seis series temporais de periodicidade mensal do numero de transfusoes de hemocomponentes e da taxa de transfusao por internacao. A estacionariedade, a tendencia e a sazonalidade das series foram verificadas pelo teste de raiz unitaria, pelo teste de Mann-Kendall e pelo teste de Fisher, respectivamente, utilizando-se os niveis de significancia de 10% para o primeiro teste e de 5% para os dois ultimos. Resultados: A taxa media mensal de uso de hemocomponentes por internacao hospitalar observada foi de 45,5%, 26,9% e 26,3% no Hospital Risoleta Tolentino Neves (HRN), Hospital Dr. Celio de Castro (HCC) e Hospital Odilon Behrens (HOB), respectivamente. A maior reducao do numero de transfusoes de hemocomponentes foi observada no HCC e a maior reducao da taxa de uso de hemocomponentes foi observada no HRN. O concentrado de hemacias foi o hemocomponente mais utilizado no HRN, HOB e HCC (54,6%, 58,3% e 65,4%, respectivamente). Todas as series apresentaram-se nao estacionarias, com tendencia de queda e presenca do componente sazonal com periodicidade de 12 meses. Todas as series apresentaram reducao da tendencia de queda durante o periodo critico da pandemia da COVID-19. Discussao: Os resultados encontrados neste estudo confirmam a hipotese inicial deste estudo de que o principal hemocomponente transfundido nos servicos de saude hospitalares publicos do municipio de Belo Horizonte sao os concentrados de hemacias. As taxas de transfusoes de hemocomponentes observadas nos tres hospitais sao semelhantes as taxas observadas em estudos nacionais e internacionais. A tendencia de queda na taxa de transfusoes de hemocomponentes por internacao hospitalar vai de encontro ao observado na literatura, que aponta para o aumento das taxas de transfusoes de hemocomponentes e dos resultados de um estudo semelhante realizado com uma rede de hospitais privados do mesmo municipio, no qual foi identificada a tendencia de alta em todos os hospitais analisados no estudo. A inexistencia dos dados sociodemograficos e informacoes sobre o local de utilizacao dos hemocomponentes podem ser considerados limitacoes do estudo. Conclusao: O estudo permitiu compreender o comportamento das series temporais relacionadas ao uso de hemocomponentes na rede publica hospitalar do municipio de Belo Horizonte. Acoes que envolvem a reducao da demanda por hemocomponentes, como, por exemplo, a implementacao de programas de Patient Blood Management, podem ser realizadas nos tres hospitais, com primazia para o HRN e para os concentrados de hemacias nos tres hospitais. Copyright © 2022

Revista Juridica ; 4(71):870-891, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2164598


Objective: For the German sociologist Ulrich Beck (2019), modern society is experiencing a disruptive moment and is becoming a risk society, a phenomenon that does not respect classes or borders and generates unknown consequences for human health and the environment. Based on this context, the problem proposed in the present research is to analyze whether the Covid-19 pandemic, understood here as the materialization of Beck's catastrophist theory, accentuated or not the migratory flows from the city to the countryside, the so-called urban exodus, especially in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The objective of the research is to draw a parallel between the humanitarian and sanitary catastrophe and its supposed influence on migratory flows, analyzing whether the State of Minas Gerais experienced a real migratory flow from large urban centers to smaller cities due to fear caused by the pandemic. This migratory flow both from the point of view of cataloging data of the new social demands and from the point of view of the offer of real estate in view of this new way of living. Methodology: the method used is hypothetical deductive, through qualitative, quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research, especially bibliographical, having as theoretical reference the ideas of the German sociologist Ulrich Beck. Results: it is concluded that the State of Minas Gerais does not have official data on these migratory flows during the pandemic period, however, as some municipalities with a more peaceful lifestyle, belonging to the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, registered a high demand for real estate, there is a suggestive bias that the hypothesis of the present research is confirmed. Contributions: the scientific contribution gained is the continuous and resilient need to revisit the nuclear and peripheral concepts related to the theory of risk developed by Ulrich Beck, its effectiveness and its implementation towards a new modernity, as such risks do not respect classes or borders and the awareness of global risk creates space for alternative modernities. © 2022, Centro Universitario Curitiba - UNICURITIBA. All rights reserved.

Revista de Politica Agricola ; 31(1):136-148, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-2033964


This research aimed to measure and analyze the agribusiness labor market in Minas Gerais state, to verify potential effects of the covid-19 crisis. In 2020, the population employed in agribusiness was 3.9% lower than in 2019, according to microdata by the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD-Continua) and, in a complementary way, data from the annual report on social information (RAIS) and from the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (CEPEA). All agribusiness segments, except for the primary segment, showed a decrease in the number of employed workers. The quarterly analysis shows that the biggest decreases occurred in the first two quarters of 2020 and that, although small, some recovery had been seen in the fourth quarter. The most affected job positions workers were those of workers with a formal contract, as well as those without a formal contract and the employers;however, an increase in the number of the self-employed was observed. Workers with lower instruction level were also one of the most affected groups. Creating employment generation programs in the sector, as well as programs that provide the maintenance of the employees and that afford assistance to informal workers and to those who became unemployed during the pandemic are some examples of public policies that may mitigate the negative effects of the crisis.

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases ; 81:1873, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2009098


Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) prognosis is determined by a wide range of factors, such as the severity of the disease manifestations, the psychosocial aspects of patients, the proper management of comorbidities, adoption of a healthy lifestyle and adherence to treatment. Studies on chronic diseases highlight the value of patient education to foster treatment adherence and improve prognosis. Objectives: To promote health education to SLE patients and their families providing accessible and comprehensive Scientific information, in order to improve adherence to treatment and the patient's prognosis. Methods: The Waiting Room Project is linked to the Extension Health Care Program for SLE patients and their families of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, since 2011. A total of 700 patients under SLE treatment at the Rheumatology Unit of the University Hospital are involved. Medical students and rheumatology fellows, altogether, developed high-quality informative texts, with clear content and layman language appropriate for the patient, under the supervision of the rheumatology professors. The texts are illustrated by the team of the Communication Department of the Medical School and medical students, and are printed in a leafet format. The material is handed out to the patients, while they wait for their medical appointment, by the students and the care team. The content of the leafets is discussed, making sure that all the concerns and doubts are properly addressed Results: The Waiting Room Project has produced 17 leafets, addressing different aspects of SLE, comorbidities, and treatment. The texts approach the traditional cardiovascular risk factors (Smoking, Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Physical Activity), and some medical conditions related to general health and SLE treatment (Sun Protection, Healthy Food, Oral Care, Vaccination, Pregnancy, Osteoporosis). In 2020 and 2021, two leafets about Covid-19 were produced in order to clarify important aspects of this disease, its impact on lupus patients and to solve questions about SLE medications: one regarding the association between Lupus and Covid-19 and another about the treatment of lupus and Covid-19. Other four leafets were produced concerning SLE treatment, including Adherence to Treatment, the use of Antimalarials, Corticos-teroids, and Immunosuppressants. Information about the drugs, general importance on lupus treatment, recommendations and possible adverse events were described. Futhermore, additional content is currently in production with themes such as Intravenous Corticosteroid and Cyclophosphamide, Human Papilloma-virus Infection, Malignant Neoplasm, and specifc cancers frequently affecting women, such as Colorectal Cancer, Cervical Cancer, and Breast Cancer. The leafets are also available online on the Medical School website in Portuguese and in English (, on the Minas Gerais Rheumatology Society website (, and on the Instagram page @lupusufmg Conclusion: The leafets have been an important source of information and health education for SLE patients and their families, improving student/physician-patient communication. Despite the adversities caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Waiting Room Project has kept its purpose to make each patient with SLE an agent of their healthcare. Improving the patients' access to evidence-based information must be a goal of healthcare professionals that treat patients with SLE.

Biologicals ; 80: 43-52, 2022 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2007466


The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), first identified in Wuhan, China, is the causative agent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since its first notification in São Paulo state (SP) on 26th February 2020, more than 22,300,000 cases and 619,000 deaths were reported in Brazil. In early pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 spread locally, however, over time, this virus was disseminated to other regions of the country. Herein, we performed genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 using 20 clinical samples of COVID-19 confirmed cases from 9 cities of Minas Gerais state (MG), in order to evaluate the molecular properties of circulating viral strains in this locality from March to May 2020. Our analyses demonstrated the circulation of B.1 lineage isolates in the investigated locations and nucleotide substitutions were observed into the genomic regions related to important viral structures. Additionally, sequences generated in this study clustered with isolates from SP, suggesting a dissemination route between these two states. Alternatively, monophyletic groups of sequences from MG and other states or country were observed, indicating independent events of virus introduction. These results reinforce the need of genomic surveillance for understand the ongoing spread of emerging viral pathogens.

COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , SARS-CoV-2/genetics , COVID-19/epidemiology , Phylogeny , Brazil/epidemiology , Genome, Viral/genetics
IEEE Latin America Transactions ; 20(7):1085-1091, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1985502


The pandemic of Covid-19 began in Brazil in February 2020. To evaluate the evolution of pandemics some metrics can be estimated, such as the reproduction number, Rt, and the basic reproduction number, R0. Due to the delay in the notifications, these estimates may present a bias. Taking the reported data, besides a sample of individuals who reported the day of symptoms onset, it is possible to estimate delay probabilities and to perform a deconvolution to correct the notifications' delay. In this work, it was performed a corrected estimate of Rt. This estimate is done based on the curve of notifications corrected through deconvolution. The approach is applied in three country cities and in the capital of Minas Gerais state. The behavior of Rt concerning the Minas Consciente program was evaluated. It was observed that the corrected Rt was more suitable to measure the effect of the program when compared to the raw Rt. When it was determined a more rigid mobility and activities regime by the program, it was observed a decrease in the median of the variation of the Rt of the cities studied. © 2003-2012 IEEE.

Sleep Science ; 15:9, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1935247


Introduction: The high consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes to the etiology and maintenance of several health problems. Binge-drinking is used to define the episodic excessive use of alcohol when a person consumes large doses of alcoholic beverages on a single episode. In adults, frequent alcohol consumption is associated with circadian and sleep misalignment, compromising functions in all physiological systems. Objective: To evaluate the association of binge-drinking alcohol during the COVID-19 pandemic with sleep quality. Methods: Cross-sectional, population-based study, between October and December 2020 in two medium-sized cities in Minas Gerais. Sleep was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, with a global score from 0 to 21. Scores of 5-10 indicate poor sleep quality. Alcohol consumption was evaluated by the frequency of consumption, and binge-drinking was evaluated by the question: “In the last 30 days, have you consumed 5 or more doses of alcoholic beverages (men) or 4 or more doses of alcoholic beverages (women) on a single occasion? One dose of alcohol is equivalent to one can of beer or one glass of wine, or one dose of distilled alcoholic beverage?”. Multivariate logistic regression was used to verify the association of binge-drinking alcohol with sleep quality. Results: Of the individuals evaluated, more than half had poor sleep quality (52.5%), were female (51.9%), black or brown (67.9%), with minimum high school education (56.5%), and family income below 5 minimum wages (60.4%). Alcohol consumption was reported by 58.2%, and prevalence of binge-drinking was 30.2%. In multivariate analysis, adjusted for sex, age, income and anxiety and frequency of alcohol consumption, individuals in binge-drinking had double the chance of had poor sleep quality (OR=2.06;95% CI 1.15-3.70). Conclusion: Individuals in binge-drinking during covid-19 pandemic are more likely to have poor sleep quality. Our results are important because the pandemic may have increased stress due to loss of income and employment, as well as increased social isolation. This stress can lead to increased binge-drinking and increased chances of having poor quality sleep.

Sleep Science ; 15:8, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1935246


Introduction: Hypovitaminosis D is a global health problem that affects more than one billion people worldwide, and this prevalence is expected to have increased during a pandemic with social restriction measures. Vitamin D has been implicated in extraskeletal functions in many physiological mechanisms, including sleep. Objective: To evaluate the association of vitamin D scenario with sleep quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Cross-sectional, populationbased study, between October and December 2020 in two medium-sized cities in Minas Gerais. Sleep was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), with a global score from 0 to 21. Scores of 5-10 indicate poor sleep quality. We evaluated a possible scenario of vitamin D adequacy, considering the time of sun exposure and the consumption of food supplements that are sources of vitamin D. Thus, we classified the vitamin D scenario as sufficient when the average daily sun exposure was greater than or equal to 30 minutes/day or the individual reported consuming a food supplement that is a source of vitamin D. And insufficient individuals who expose themselves to the sun for less than 30 minutes/day or do not consume a food supplement that is a source of vitamin D. Multiple logistic regression was used to verify the association of insufficient vitamin D scenario with sleep quality. Results: Of the individuals evaluated, most were female (51.9%), black or brown (67.9%), with minimum high school education (56.5%), and family income below 5 minimum wages (60.4%). Regarding vitamin D, 35.0% had insufficient sun exposure (< 30min/day), 77.9% did not use vitamin D source supplements. Evaluating the vitamin D scenario, 27.1% were insufficient. The mean of PSQI score was 6.32 (95%CI: 6.03-6.62) e 52.5% had poor quality. In multivariate analysis, adjusted for sex, age, and income, subjects with insufficient vitamin D had 1.41 times the chance of having poor sleep quality (OR=1.41;95% CI: 1.01-1.98). Conclusion: Individuals with insufficient vitamin D scenario are more likely to have poor sleep quality during the pandemic of COVID-19. Thus, this study demonstrates the importance of evaluating the impact of the pandemic on health conditions like vitamin D, and how they relate to sleep.

Sleep Science ; 15:9-10, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1935245


Introduction: During the pandemic, changes resulting from social and routine restrictions may have led to a change in sleep quality patterns. Furthermore, poor sleep quality may result in increased hunger and food intake, especially of ultraprocessed foods. Objective: To evaluate the association of sleep quality with food consumption pattern during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Cross-sectional, population-based study, between October and December 2020 in two medium-sized cities in Minas Gerais. Sleep was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, with a global score from 0 to 21. Scores of 5-10 indicate poor sleep quality and greater than 10, a possible sleep disorder. The unhealthy eating indicator was designed according to food processing, unprocessed (fruits, vegetables and legumes, milk, and beans) and ultra-processed (processed meats, sweets, instant noodles, and soft drinks). Unprocessed foods consumed daily, and ultra-processed foods consumed never received the lowest score (zero). The highest score (four points) was received by unprocessed foods never, and ultraprocessed foods daily. The total score ranged from 0 (best) to 32 points (worst quality). It was subsequently categorized into quartiles and grouped to dichotomized variable: unhealthy food (2nd to 4th quartile;> 5 points) and healthy (1st quartile;< 4 points). Multiple logistic regression was used to verify the association of sleep quality with dietary consumption pattern. Results: Of the individuals evaluated, most were female (51.9%), black or brown (67.9%), with minimum high school education (56.5%), and family income below 5 minimum wages (60.4%). The food score ranged from 0 to 24 points, and 76.8% had an unhealthy eating pattern. Regarding sleep, 38.6% had poor quality, and 13.9% sleep disorder. In multivariate analysis, adjusted for sex, age, and income, subjects with poor sleep quality had 1.81 times the chance of having an unhealthy eating pattern (OR=1.81;95% CI 1.25- 2.62), and those with sleep disturbance had 2.28 times the chance of having an unhealthy eating pattern (OR=2.28;95% CI: 1.27-4.10). Conclusion: Individuals with poor quality and sleep disorders are more likely to have unhealthy eating during the pandemic of COVID-19. This study demonstrates the importance of investigating the repercussion of the pandemic on sleep and eating habits, and worsening health status of these individuals.

Sleep Science ; 15:38, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1935243


Introduction: Sleep is considered a cyclical physiological state due to the alternation between sleep and wakefulness that occur in most living beings. It is characterized by five fundamental stages and the total or partial absence of quality nighttime sleep can cause sleep and wake disorders, which are related to damage to the health of the population. Relating the theme to medical students, it is known that this population experiences, since college, the reality of a few hours to sleep and rest. Also, by associating this issue in the current context of COVID-19, it is possible that the quality of sleep in this population has changed. Objective: To identify the prevalence of the occurrence of Sleep Disorders and associated factors among medical students from a higher education institution in the forest region of Minas Gerais. Methods: The research, with a cross-sectional design, was conducted online through a semi-structured questionnaire with social, personal, demographic variables and also using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index. Results: Of the total of 340 academics invited to participate in the study, 63.8% participated in the survey. 41% of the participants stated that they had a sleep duration per night of less than six hours and in relation to the usual sleep efficiency, 50.7% certified that they have an efficacy of less than 84%, evidencing a high frequency of sleep disorders (94, 9%). Also regarding the analysis of the Pittsburg Scale for Assessment of Sleep Quality, comparing cycles (basic, clinical and internship), 14% of students in the basic cycle need to use medication to sleep 3 or more times a week, as opposed to 7% denounced by the analysis of both the clinical cycle and the internship. About 40% of basic cycle students, 22% of clinical cycle students and 4% of boarding students reported having daytime dysfunction 5 to 6 days a week, such as difficulty staying awake and focused on their daily activities, in as a result of disturbed nights of sleep. As for the Epworth sleepiness scale, only 31.7% of the sample had normal sleep and in 44% of students an abnormal (pathological) sleepiness was identified. Conclusion: It is concluded that the perception of poor sleep quality was high for all years of the medical graduation course. Regarding the comparison of course phases, students in the early years (basic cycle group) reported worse sleep quality and greater daytime dysfunction.

Sleep Science ; 15:30, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1935183


Introduction: Sleep contributes to the proper functioning of the body and the immune system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, isolation was a strategy to contain the spread of the virus and altered daily routine and sleep. Some studies have shown improved sleep in some populations, while others have reported worsening, especially in health shift worker groups. Objective: To compare the sleep behavior of shift workers at a mining company, who remained active before and during the isolation period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The sample consisted of 15 workers (14 men and 1 woman) of a mining company in the State of Minas Gerais, aged 38.9 ± 3.5 years. All worked 6 hours a day in a fast-rotating shift (4x1) for 10.2±3.8 years on average. To assess sleep behavior, the actigraphy method was used, which assesses sleep onset latency (SOL), wake after sleep onset (WASO), total sleep time (TTS) all in minutes and sleep efficiency (ES) in percentage values. The assessments were carried out in October and November 2019 for the pre-pandemic moment and November and December 2020 for the postpandemic moment. For comparison between moments, the paired t-test was used, considering the value of p ≤ 0.05. Results: Clinically, sleep behavior in this group of shift workers did not change. Only SOL (3.4±1.7 vs. 1.9±0.9) showed a statistical difference (t(14)=4.399, p=0.001), while WASO (t(14)=0.916;p=0.375) with means 18.1±8.5 vs. 16.9±6.4, TTS (t(14)=-1.258;p=0.229) 422.5±36.9 vs. 437.2±68.9 and ES (t(14)=-0.934, p=0.366) 92.8±2.8 vs. 93.3±2.9 before and after the pandemic, respectively, showed no difference. Conclusion: The maintenance of external work, in the mining company, even with social restrictions in the workplace and outside it, contributed to the maintenance of the routine and sleep behavior. However, the workers in this study did not face increased workload, anxiety and greater risk of contagion associated with the work environment as health workers. Our results indicate that the improvement or worsening of sleep before and after the pandemic should be related to the group and culture that will be evaluated. The authors thank the support given by Pró-Reitoria De Pesquisa (PRPq) and PPG em Ciências do Esporte UFMG, Instituto Tecnológico VALE (ITV), CEPE (Centro De Estudos em Psicobiologia e Exerćcio), CEMSA (Centro Multidisciplinar De Sonolência e Acidentes), CNPq, FAPEMIG, CAPES e FEPE-UFMG.

Revista Brasileira de Saude Ocupacional ; 46(e32), 2021.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-1865373


Objective: To make a comparison between countries and between Brazilian states regarding the contents of protection protocols for COVID-19 healthcare workers and to undertake a critical analysis of the prevention model that adopts the recommendation and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as the only response to a multidimensional problem.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S528, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859737


Objetivo: Comparar a prevalência de sorologia positiva para IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 encontrada em doadores de sangue dos hemocentros de Minas Gerais e os dados de casos de COVID-19 confirmados pela Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Minas Gerais (SES-MG), bem como avaliar o perfil dos doadores positivos. Métodos: Amostras de soro (n = 7.837) de doadores de sangue dos hemocentros de Belo Horizonte (HBH), Governador Valadares (GOV), Juiz de Fora (JFO), Montes Claros (MOC), Pouso Alegre (PAL), Uberaba (URA) e Uberlândia (UDI) no período de março a dezembro de 2020 foram testadas por quimioluminescência para IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2. A soroprevalência foi comparada à prevalência de casos acumulados de COVID-19 relatados em boletins epidemiológicos da SES-MG. Resultados: Dos doadores testados, 441 (5,6%) foram positivos para IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2. Doadores do sexo masculino foram significativamente mais frequentes no grupo positivo (54,2% nos negativos vs. 61,9% nos positivos;p = 0,0019) e doadores com grupo sanguíneo O foram significativamente menos frequentes neste grupo (53,2% nos negativos vs. 46,7% nos positivos;p = 0,0096). Não houve diferença quanto à idade dos doadores nos dois grupos, nem quanto ao tipo de doação (espontânea, reposição, convocado ou doador de primeira vez). Os dados de sorologia para IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 mostraram um aumento consistente da prevalência de amostras positivas ao longo do período avaliado em todos os hemocentros, atingindo-se níveis mais elevados especialmente a partir do mês de novembro. A soroprevalência acumulada de IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 em doadores de sangue no período avaliado foi significativamente diferente nos hemocentros incluídos (HBH: 5,71%;GOV: 7,21%;JFO: 4,32%;MOC: 5,92%;PAL: 2,56%;UDI: 7,60%;URA: 4,28%). Comparando-se os dados encontrados àqueles reportados nos boletins epidemiológicos da SES-MG, verificou-se que a soroprevalência detectada foi maior que a prevalência de casos acumulados em 32,1% dos meses no primeiro semestre de 2020. Por outro lado, a soroprevalência foi maior que a prevalência de casos acumulados em 76,2% dos meses no segundo semestre de 2020. Discussão: A análise da evolução da infecção por SARS-CoV-2 é muito importante para a adoção de medidas de contenção da COVID-19 e a estruturação adequada dos serviços de saúde. Entretanto, em um cenário em que a testagem em massa é impedida pela escassez de testes e pelo pouco acesso aos serviços de saúde, novas estratégias de testagem da população devem ser estudadas. Os resultados deste estudo reforçam que os dados de prevalência de COVID-19 na população de Minas Gerais estão subestimados, pois quase a totalidade dos testes foram disponibilizados para casos sintomáticos. A sorovigilância baseada em doadores de sangue é cada vez mais reconhecida como uma estratégia poderosa e de baixo custo para monitorar doenças infecciosas, incluindo a evolução de epidemias de doenças infecciosas emergentes. Este resultado parece ser especialmente mais consistente quando ocorre maior disseminação da infecção na população, pois os dados discrepantes de soroprevalência e prevalência de casos se acentuaram após o início da primeira onda de COVID-19 no Brasil (junho/2020). Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo mostram que o teste de sorologia por quimioluminescência para IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 em doadores de sangue é uma importante ferramenta para monitorar a infecção na população. Suporte financeiro: Fundação HEMOMINAS, CNPq.